Bullet Points Microsoft Word Mac

3 min readMay 27, 2021


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  1. Bullet Points Microsoft Word
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  3. Bullet Points Microsoft Word Mac Free
  4. Microsoft Word Bullet Points Tab

In the article bellow, we will show you 4 ways to create a multi-column bulleted or numbered list in your Word document.

When we start a bulleted or numbered list, each list entry is considered as a paragraph. And there is no direct way to create 2 paragraphs side by side in Word document. This seems creating a multi-column list is not possible, either.

Nov 19, 2015 Microsoft Word is a great program for great word documents, but sometimes settings get changed and you end up pulling your hair out trying to fix it! How to create bullet points in two columns. How to reverse numbering or bullet list in Word? If you have a list, and you want to reverse the words order in the list, the first idea that first flash in your mind will be copying and pasting them one by one. But it will be troublesome to reverse them by this way if there are numerous words lines. Is there any easy way to solve this problem?

True. There is no direct way. But, you can always find effectual workarounds in our article.

Method 1: Format Lists as Multi-column Texts

Bullet Points Microsoft Word

  1. First and foremost, finish entering list items and select the list.
  2. Then click “Page Layout” tab.
  3. Next click “Columns” command in “Page Setup” group.
  4. On its drop-down menu, choose a column number.
  5. Now you see all list entries are in the first column.
  6. Put cursor at the start of a list entry which you want to place in another column. For example, in this case, we position insertion pointer before the texts of the third list entry. Then click “Breaks” under “Page Layout” tab.
  7. And click “Column” on the drop-down menu of “Breaks”.
  8. This inserts a column break and distributes list entries to the second column.
  9. Repeat step 6 and 7 in case you have more than 2 columns and need to distribute list entries evenly. You can get a possible result as follows:

Method 2: Arrange a List in a Multi-column Table

  1. Firstly, put cursor at place where the multi-column list should go.
  2. Secondly, click “Insert” tab and click “Table”.
  3. Thirdly, click “Insert Table”.
  4. In the box open, enter the number of rows and columns.
  5. Click “OK”.
  6. Then select the table and click either “Bullets” or “Numbering” under “Home” tab. Each single cell will contain a bullet or be numbered in sequence.
  7. You can then enter one entry in a cell.
  8. Finally, remove table borders by clicking “Design” tab. Click to open the drop-down menu of “Borders” and choose “No Border”.

Method 3: Insert Text Boxes

  1. To begin with, click “Insert” tab and “Text Box”.
  2. Next click “Draw Text Box”.
  3. Then enter list entries into text boxes.
  4. Insert another text box in the same line with the previous one, following the first 3 steps.
  5. Lastly, remove the outline of all text boxes by clicking text box. Then click “Format” and “Shape Outline”. Choose “No Outline”.

Method 4: Insert Bullet Symbols

Microsoft Word Mac Free Download

If you don’t need a live bulleted list, you can just use bullet symbols to create a seemingly like one.

Bullet Points Microsoft Word Mac Free

  1. Click “Insert” tab then “Symbol”.
  2. Next choose “More Symbols”.
  3. In the “Symbol” dialog box, choose “General Punctuation” in the drop list of “Subset”.
  4. Then find and click the bullet symbol.
  5. Lastly, click “Insert” and close the box.
  6. Or you can also choose to press “Alt+ 0149” to quickly insert a bullet symbol.

Word Errors Exist

If you are an experienced user of Word, you must have encountered with errors some time. Different errors cast different levels of impact on your documents. In some luck day, a simple reopen action will be enough to address an issue. But in the rest of days, you find yourself in desperate need of a tool to recover doc. Under such scenario, you need to take time evaluating various products on the market before testing them on your document.

Author Introduction:

Microsoft Word Bullet Points Tab

Vera Chen is a data recovery expert in DataNumen, Inc., which is the world leader in data recovery technologies, including excel corruption and pdf repair software products. For more information visit https://www.datanumen.com/


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